White, smooth, fragrant and long hair seduce enggak make Annisa Nurlita averse ride motorcycles. Even otherwise, the ngebet have a boyfriend who ride motorcycles and hooked Turing. Unfortunately not yet accomplished!
"Not because gagahnya, but if I use motor actually both. Heat or rain enjoyed together, "he said sentimental.
Moreover, if increased Ninja 250R as nemenin do this nengok called Icha berfoto. Dada's meet back nempel will certainly continue. Jump geber abieeesss deh.
Other additional information, do original Bandung is now pursuing the dream again in Jakarta. A number of invitations casting, shooting and sinetron dilakoni pigeon-ahead 21 this year.
No wonder if Jakarta traffic jams have started it? Familiar. But because it is still on the wheels 4, Icha confess like envy mixed mumps see motor. "Stay in the middle lincah bottleneck," suspire eldest of 4 brothers this.
Up to now, the postures of 160 cm and weight 42 kg this would be the bike ride around Jakarta. "Not that there would ngajak aja," lirihnya spoiled.
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